Your Daily Bible Verse

(Mark 11:28 NKJV)  And they said to Him, “By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority to do these things?”

It amazes me how religion is so blind to the ways of God.

Religion is the enemy of man’s soul, the tool of the devil himself; deceiving people into thinking they are secure in their eternal destiny when they are, in fact, far away from God.

I know this is a strong statement and one that can cause some people to become angry, but it needs to be said.

God is not about religion. God is about relationship. God wants every single one of us to know Him, not just know about Him. This is not about a church building. This is not about traditions. And this is definitely not about rituals.

God deplores the traditions and rituals of man. They serve no purpose but to drive a wedge between man and God and man.

In the verse above, the religious leaders were questioning Jesus, asking Him by what authority He was performing miracles. The savior of the world was in front of them, face to face with them, yet they didn’t recognize Him.

They didn’t recognize Him because they were too caught up in their old ways of thinking… their traditions. They had become deaf and blind to what God wanted to do, because it didn’t line up with what they thought it should be.

Are we deaf and blind today? Are we doing things that we think are of God but are maybe just something that we do because we’re used to doing them that way?

Please seek God on this. We all need to check ourselves and make sure we’re pleasing God and not just fulfilling a tradition or a habit. God wants every part of us, not just our going through the motions.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries

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