Your Daily Bible Verse – 12-07-11

(John 5:39-40 NKJV) “You search the Scriptures, for in them you
think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of
Me. {40} “But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have

Here Jesus is talking to the Jews. They studied the scriptures but
were not willing to come to Him that they may have LIFE. How sad is

Today I want to ask you this question; do you have life in Jesus?
Not “do you know the scripture?” Because, like the Jews, it wasn’t

Let’s not just be readers of the scripture. NO! We need to know Him
in our hearts. Take time to seek Him and know Him.

The Jews of that day knew the scriptures, but understand this when
I say it, “THEY did NOT know HIM”. They had “head knowledge”, but
that was it! When it came right down to accepting Him for who He
was, they wouldn’t.

It is the Heart to Heart relationship, the everyday walking,
talking, and seeking Him in our lives that will help us to know Him.

My concern is that we are not deceived into thinking we know Him,
when really we just know of Him.

Knowing the Scriptures will not save us. Knowing who Jesus is won’t
save us.

The Bible gives us knowledge about how to be saved. We have to take
action and we must accept Jesus as our Savior by believing that He
is God’s son, and that He dies for our sins. Believing and
repenting of our sins is where the heart to heart relationship

If you have never personally accepted Jesus, but only know of Him
and what the scriptures say about Him, take time today to go to Him
and accept Him into your life as Your Lord and Savior.

Dear God,

I acknowledge that Your Word, the Holy Bible, is the truth and that
Jesus died for my sins. I understand that the only way to get to
heaven is by believing that You are who You say Your are, and that
Jesus is the Son of the Most High God. I want to receive Jesus as
my Savior. Today I take action and ask Jesus to come into my life,
change me and make me what You want me to be. I’m sorry, for the
mistakes I have made. I was living without You. Forgive me of my
past and help me to allow You to lead me, from this this day,

Today I have newness in You and I receive my Salvation. Thank you
Jesus, I love you.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name I pray. Amen

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries

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