Tag: What the Bible says about being addicted to something

Bible Verse of The Day – 6-2-15

John 8:36(NKJV) 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Jesus has made a way for us to be FREE indeed.

He paid the price for our freedom when He died for our sins, on the cross. We are free through the repentance of our hearts and believing He is our Lord and Savior! What a beautiful thing He did for us.

Freedom is a beautiful thing. He does not want us to be in bondage to anything or anyone.

He has made a way for us to stay free from those things that try to put us in bondage.

So, I have this thing that I love; it’s my hot chai tea. I would have one every day, or even twice a day if I could. It would put a smile on my face and make me feel so happy!

However, I have learned that if I am not careful, something as little as that cup of chai can become a stumbling block. You might say “how can that be? It’s just a foamy cup of tea”.

How can something so small turn into an issue and cause me to have to pull back and take a break from it? Well, it’s like anything we love. It could be something completely different for you, but for me it’s my Chai.

You see, at first it starts off as just being a treat; something I enjoy. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! God wants us to have things that we enjoy.

It’s when it becomes more frequently needed than an occasional treat that it can become a problem; when it becomes something I begin to think about a lot. When will I get my next treat?

This is where the problem lies. Because I have to have it, it is no longer a treat but a need. I need it more frequently and if I don’t have it, it can change my mood. Now, it makes me or breaks me.

It now has control over me. Nothing, nowhere and nobody should have this kind of control over us. Remember… we are free!

This is when I decide it’s time to take a break and fast from it, and put it back in it’s proper place. And if I can’t do this and keep it there, then I give it up completely.

This might seem like something very small and insignificant to most people. But it can help us to see things that might have a hold on us that we didn’t see before.

Is there something that we do on a regular basis that we feel like we have to do, or it ruins our day if we can’t?

Let God help us to discern this. It is so important to stay free in Christ, in everything we do. Even over things as small as a cup of tea!!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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