(Psalm 37:3 NKJV) Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
What is it in us that makes us feel like we have to know that everything is going to work out ahead of time?
For me it gives me relief and a sense of peace, knowing that it’s all going to work out according to my figures, understanding, ideas, arrangements etc.
I don’t like surprises that throw me off my plan or my budget. Really, is there any room for God to move or work in this kind of realm? From my experience, I have to say “No, there is not!” If we don’t let God in, then we are on our own.
This is where I needed to learn that if I want to see God move in my situation, I need to leave some room for Him to do whatever He may want to do. I do this by being open and flexible with my plan.
These two words, open and flexible, didn’t used to be in my vocabulary. When someone gave me something to do, there was no flexibility or openness for change. I just wanted to get it done with my own understanding and experience.
But over time I learned that I had to step back and settle down and put my ideas, agenda, and plans before God, waiting on Him, of course, to see if He had any suggestions or changes that He wanted to make. That’s when it becomes our plan, not just mine.
What peace I have now that I’ve realized that I don’t always have to have my own plan and it doesn’t have to go my way to work out. There are other ways to get it done, and sometimes ways that I don’t know.
Trust God and feed on His faithfulness. He will come through!!
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808
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