Tag: giving God the glory

Bible Verse of The Day – 2-12-13

(Matthew 18:20 NKJV)  “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

There is Power in joining together in the name of Jesus! This verse tells us that He is there in the midst of us. We don’t have to be anywhere in particular to have Him there. He’ll come wherever we join together in His Name. We just have to be together, in one accord.

What happens when Jesus is around? Oh, the blind eyes were opened, the water was turned to wine, the lepers were healed, and the demons were cast out! I’d say there was action all around; there was not one dull moment. Nope, not one!

I ask this question today; what does our gathering look like when we come together in the name of Jesus? If He is there, it should be full of action. Not dull, not boring, and not ritualistic. Salvation, Healing, Deliverance and Miracles should be taking place!

Just last week, I was barely moving. I had thrown my back out pretty good and could hardly move. The pain was causing me to do very little, if anything.

My grandchildren came over to visit one day. I said to them, “Just as I have prayed for you when your were sick, I need you to pray for me”. Without a moment’s thought they both knelt down beside me and laid their little 4 & 5 year old hands on my back and said “Dear God, in the name of Jesus heal my Grand mommy. Amen!” That was it. They got up and went to play.

That day, I was moving better… I was walking; I was marching around that house. God was there in the midst of me and my Grand-babies as we agreed together in His name for Healing!!

Give Him the Glory!!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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