Tag: Bible verses about trusting God during a trial

Bible Verse of The Day – 3-5-25

Acts 16:25 (NKJV) 25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

There is so much we can learn from this verse.

Let us break this down and see what we can gleam from it as we start our Monday!

Paul and Silas had been imprisoned for speaking the name of Jesus and casting a demon from a local slave girl.

The owners of the slave girl were furious with Paul for ordering the demon to leave her.

In their anger, they had Paul and Silas arrested, severely beaten, and thrown into the deepest part of the prison, with their feet secured in stocks.

Knowing this, we need to look closely at what the word says in the verse above.

It was midnight. And not only was it night, but with Paul and Silas being in the inner part of the prison, it was darker than normal.

Their backs were raw from the flogging they had suffered. Their feet were locked in stocks. And guards were posted to be sure they stayed put.

As midnight came, Paul and Silas were praying and singing songs to God in the darkness.

And what else does the word say? The prisoners were listening!

Paul and Silas could have been crying and asking God why this had happened. But they chose to sing and pray, giving God glory in their moment of extreme agony and discomfort.

So, the question for us is, what would we do in a situation like this?

Do we praise God only when things are good for us, and we can feel His presence strongly?

Do we have what it takes to praise Him when the world is crashing down around us and we are facing life’s strongest storms and trials?

Or do we trust Him only when life is easy, and there seems to be no need for us to lean on Him?

We may quickly answer this and proclaim that we would absolutely do what Paul and Silas did. But when the rubber meets the road, what would we really do?

Let us seek God on this and ask Him to give us the faith, the strength, and the trust in Him to push through the discomfort and lift our hands to Him, speaking His praises for others to hear, bringing Him glory and honor even in our most difficult moments, that those who are listening will see Him also.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 1-8-25

Psalm 119:114 (NKJV) 114 You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word.

As Israel’s king, David had many adversaries.

He was well-known for his strength and might as a warrior, and as a man of God.

God’s favor in his life was a fact that caused his enemies to hate him. They also feared him for that same reason.

But their fear was not enough to keep them from pursuing him or conspiring against him.

And David knew it.

So, what did he do?

He trusted God.

He prayed. And he expressed his fears and his dismay for the people who relentlessly tried to kill him.

It was such a situation that caused him to speak the words above, admitting that God was his hiding place; a safe place from the onslaught of violence and threats from those same enemies.

Now, if David, who constantly feared for his life, could trust God with his situation, what do we have to fear?

What is it that is causing us to fear? What is causing us to be in anguish? What is causing us to lose hope or to doubt God?

The threat of death is something we would usually consider the greatest threat we could ever face.

But David faced those same threats and trusted God with his life. If what we face is anything less than the threat of death, why would we not trust the very same God with it?

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of the Day – 12-3-24

1 Peter 3:12 (NKJV) 12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

When times are difficult, and we are too overwhelmed to even know what words to pray, God is there! He is listening.

Sometimes all we can do is cry. Our strength is gone. Our emotions are through the roof. We are sitting, heartbroken and feeling alone.

This is just a reminder; God’s eyes are on us always.

We may not have the answer for our situation, but we have the Answer to life! In good times, sad times, or hard times, He is our all! .

He knows what we are feeling. He cares for us.

Evil stands no chance with Him. He will deal with it. He will shut it down.

Cry out to Him today. He hears us. He will help us.

Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV) 13 For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 9-22-24 – A Place of Dependence

Please click to watch the video now.Greetings in the name of Jesus! 

Are we in a place of dependence, where we look to God for everything? 

That’s a great question! And it is the topic of our newest video, A Place of Dependence. 

In this new video, we teach about being in a place where we are totally dependent upon God and His provision. 

We hope you enjoy the video, and that God speaks to you through it. 

Please click here to watch the video now.

Enjoy the rest of your day and stay close to God. 

We love you all. 


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie 

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443  


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Bible Verse of The Day – 8-28-24

Luke 12:32 (NKJV) 32 “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Do you spend time worrying about the things that are happening in the world right now?

Does it bother us that evil is running unchecked, with no justice meted out to those who are the perpetrators of all we are seeing?

Do we wring our hands at the increase of wars and rumors of wars?

Are we angry with the chaos we see happening around the globe, wondering how this can all be happening?

Do we struggle with the fact that evil people are in charge in many places, and that their leadership only propagates evil further?

Do we fret over whether we will be able to afford the necessities of life as we watch prices of everyday items continue to rise?

Here are five words to allay your fears and concerns: Do not fear, little flock.

As Jesus spoke those words, He was speaking to His disciples about cares and worries.

He specifically told them not to worry about what they would wear or eat. For life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.

Food and clothing are the things we tend to worry about most. They are the staples of life.

But though they are staples, these are the very things Jesus told us not to fret about!

And here is what Jesus says in response to our worries.

Luke 12:31 (NKJV) 31 But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.

These things, the very things we worry about, will be given to us as we put God first and seek His kingdom.

Therefore, do not worry.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 6-30-24 – The Flour And The Oil

Please click to watch the video now.Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus! 

God is faithful in everything. Amen. 

Each of us encounters difficult seasons in our lives that require God to help us. And each of us handles these kinds of situations differently. 

In our latest video, The Flour And The Oil, we teach about trusting God when we encounter times of desperation and following His leading, even when it may mean surrendering something to get what we need. 

We hope this video speaks to you and brings understanding and comfort. 

Please click here to watch the video now.

We love you all and want God’s absolute best for you. 

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie 

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443  


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Bible Verse of The Day – 5-29-24

Job 19:25 (NKJV) 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth;

Life can sometimes be difficult.

It can deal us some very harsh blows for which we have no explanation or understanding.

This may often cause us to question God, or to become angry that we are on the receiving end of such things.

But as we mature in our walk with God, we will find ourselves questioning Him less, and trusting Him more.

On a personal level, I have experienced this myself.

I have walked through seasons of extreme famine and financial hardship.

I watched my mother battle cancer and then die at the age of just 46 after being eaten away by the disease that claimed her life.

I have experienced betrayal at the hands of someone that I had taken under my wing and helped through some very tough situations.

And I have learned that this is just how life goes. We all deal with things such as this, and no one is exempt.

But as I have looked back on these things, I have been able to see God’s hand in each of them.

I have witnessed Him draw a wayward person back to Him within hours of them dying.

I have seen His hand of provision during times of dire need.

I have learned how to forgive when everything in my flesh wanted quite the opposite.

And I have seen His sovereignty as I have re-traced the steps of my years, seeing Him put puzzle pieces together in ways that man could never accomplish, to bring me to the exact place that I am in right now.

So, in all of this, I have learned, as Job did, that even during my worst calamity, my Redeemer lives.

He sets up kings, and He removes kings. He gives, and He takes away.

He walks me through my darkest hour, and He brings peace in the middle of the greatest storms.

And in that, despite facing great storms from time to time, I find my peace and my solace.

May you find yours in Him also.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 5-15-24

Job 19:25 (NKJV) 25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth;

As Job lamented his condition, he expounded on a lengthy list of people who appeared to have abandoned him, stating that his close friends abhorred him.

Even young children despised him.

And as Job continued, he expressed further frustration that (in his opinion) God had “kindled His wrath” against him.

But if we read further, nestled deep in the middle of all of Job’s mournful words, we will find a gem that speaks truth that sustained him throughout his entire ordeal.

“I know that my redeemer lives.”

You see, despite the terrible things that had happened to him, Job still fully understood God’s sovereignty.

He refused to forsake the One who breathed life into his being, despite demanding “an audience” with Him to allow him to air his complaints and questions.

Job understood that God held his life in His hands. And as he further contemplated his situation, he began to understand that he was not without fault.

And in this he began to openly repent and show remorse for his attitude and the words he had spoken in frustration.

Job is an ideal example for each of us to follow.

No, he was not perfect in his response to calamity. He spoke words that he later regretted. He accused God of things that were untrue.

But he never abandoned his faith, openly repenting before God and his friends in the end.

Let us follow Job’s example, learning to trust God even as we walk through dark seasons that go beyond our understanding, holding fast to our faith in Him in all things.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 4-16-24

John 16:22 (NKJV) 22 Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.

The Lord is encouraging the disciples here, and letting them know what is to come.

The grieving and sorrow that they will soon experience will be short lived. He will bring joy upon their hearts once again.

In times of grief or anguish, trusting can be hard because we can’t see ahead and know how it will play out.

In that moment when everything is overwhelming, we must trust and believe what Jesus is telling us.

We often have thoughts of failing when we are going through an unknown season. It feels lonely and heavy at times.

That’s normal for all of us to feel. This is where we really have to persevere and keep on doing what we know to do.

Our own flesh will attack us with all kinds of “what ifs” or doubts about what we think we heard or what we are doing.

In times like this, remember the reason why we are doing what we are doing, and stand firm.

Know that trust is not about being able to see and have answers right away, but knowing what we were shown or were told will come to pass in God’s timing.

Just as Jesus told the disciples their hearts would rejoice again, it surely happened, and better then they could have imagined!

Acts 13:52 (NKJV) 52 And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

Are we having doubts today? Do we feel like Jesus has pulled back? Maybe we feel like He is silent?

Don’t be sorrowful or discouraged today. What He told you in the beginning will come. He is working out the details.

Continue to believe and trust Him, even in these moments when we don’t see anything happening, we don’t hear anything, or when we feel sad and lonely. Keep pressing on.

1 Peter 1:8 Deeply love and believe in Jesus even though you can not see Him.

He is there for us and preparing things. Amen.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 3-18-24

2 Corinthians 1:8-9 (NLT) 8 We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. 9 In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.

One of the things that stands out about these verses is the desperation that Paul expressed in his situation while in Asia.

He and his companions fully expected that they would not make it out alive; that they would die.

The most important aspect of this is what Paul said after this; as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God.

This is a massive truth that we all need to get embedded in us.

Desperate situations force us to rely on God and trust Him more.

Effortless living makes us soft and faithless. We have no need for God.

Times of trials and tribulations squeeze us.

Distress pushes us toward the One who is our source of rescue; our light in the darkness.

Oh, how we hate trials.

But what we learn from walking through those trials is invaluable.

And if someone with the spiritual stature of the Apostle Paul is willing to admit this, then we should take note!

Let us trust in God who delivers us. And let us cast our doubts aside.

He alone is our Hope.

Psalm 40:1-2 (NKJV) 1 I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry. 2 He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 2-19-24

Mark 12:41-44 (NKJV) 41 Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. 42 Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. 43 So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.”

Over the years, I have realized that many Christians have it all wrong when it comes to their giving.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that many Christians who give regularly do so only “when they can afford it” but quickly stop when money gets scarce.

They give what they feel to be a “reasonable” amount until things get financially tight. Then, when things get a little tough, they forfeit their giving. They quit.

Rarely do people like this tithe. They feel that giving 10% of their income is too much to ask. And they may even say that tithing was an Old Testament thing related to The Law.

This line of thinking goes something like this; Money has gotten tight, so I can no longer afford to give to God.

And how do I know this?

Because I used to be one of those Christians. I would give each week, usually far less than what would be considered a tithe. And then if things got tough, I would stop giving. I would quit.

But if we look at the example above, with Jesus observing the people as they “put money into the treasury”, He never suggested that the poor widow should not tithe or give according to her income.

On the contrary, He noted that she gave more than the rest despite her poverty.

This flies in the face of thinking that we should give what we can afford, and then we stop giving if things get tough.

Many years ago, during one of the toughest times we faced financially, God spoke very clearly to us and told us that we needed to tithe, trusting Him with our finances and our situation at that time.

We had no idea how that would work out, since we were already not able to keep up with our bills.

But we obeyed. We trusted God and took Him at His word, and we began sowing 10% of our income each week, even though I was unemployed, and we were living on very little income.

We didn’t look at it as us making a sacrifice. We looked at it specifically as us obeying God.

You see, it was all His money anyway. We were just stewards who had been entrusted with managing what He had provided.

And as we stepped out in obedience, He began to show us how trustworthy He is.

No, hordes of money did not suddenly come rolling in. And no, our situation did not instantly go from bad to excellent.

But as we continued to trust Him and obey Him, He slowly worked things out.

Some bills that we owed were mysteriously marked as “paid in full” with no explanation as to how or why.

Putting Him first in our finances taught us how to be diligent and faithful with what He had provided for us.

And, over time, He pulled us out of the hole we had gotten into.

That was roughly 30 years ago. And we have never looked back.

No matter what has hit us, we have never stopped obeying God. He still comes first. We still obey Him.

And He continues to prove that He is faithful. He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever.

There is none like Him.

And we can attest to the fact that tithing is never about whether we can afford it or not.

It is about whether we trust God or not.

Put him first. Obey Him. You will never regret it.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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