Romans 5:8 (NKJV) 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
We were in NC when we got a request to visit a dying man, in CT. They had taken him off the defibrillator and it was just a matter of time before he would be gone.
As we prayed to God in NC, we asked Him that if we don’t make it back in time, that someone else would share the gospel with this man; that he would not die unsaved. God heard our prayer.
We left NC to drive home to RI, and on our way home we hit a very bad storm; extreme ice and snow. People’s cars were off the road all around us, many in the ditch, some even upside down. We had many hours to travel under these conditions to reach our destination. The further we drove, the worse the storm got.
A trip that should have taken us 12 hours, took us18 1/2 hours. We were determined to return to RI, though, and not quit. We needed to get home.
And we did. We made it home, safe and sound. Thank God!
When we went to the hospital to visit the man, we shared God’s love with him. We let him know we are all sinners and yet God loves us all and provided a way for us to be forgiven. When he heard these words you could almost feel him relax. He listened to what we had to say and when it came time to pray he was ready.
After we got done praying, his reaction was, “that felt nice”.
With nurses and different staff members in and out of his room, he asked if we could talk more, as he would call it, “about religion.” We spent a bit more time with him and then headed home.
The very next day, this man took his last breath and is in now in Heaven! Amen
God made a way for this man to hear the truth, almost until his very last breath. He will make a way for us all.
He loves us no matter how bad we are at times. He wants us to know this.
God doesn’t love the sin that we participate in, but He sure does love the Sinner, and will love us to the end and give us every opportunity to reach out to HIm.
He sent His Son for each one of us; this is the Good NEWS!
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808
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