Tag: Bible verses about getting rest

Bible Verse of The Day – 2-8-25

Matthew 11:28 (NKJV) 28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Do you feel drained? Are you running on empty?

Don’t keep going like this. You will crash. Stop before it’s too late.

We must bring ourselves to a point where we can find the rest we need.

Most times it’s just us accepting that we are tired, admitting that we need to slow down, and allowing ourselves the time we need to get that rest.

The three places where rest is needed are our body, our mind, and our spirit.

Once we reach a certain point, and we don’t get the proper rest, we can cause damage. We must take a break before we break.

We can never put our work ahead of taking care of ourselves.

We must watch for the signs.

Signs of tiredness or fatigue.

Signs of a constant negative outlook about everything.

Signs of no tolerance.

Signs of spending less time with God.

We need to see the signs and take the necessary steps to replenish ourselves. We need to get built up again, in the word and in prayer.

This is a reminder for us all today not to neglect ourselves; to come to Him and He will give us rest.


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 2-1-25

Genesis 2:3 (NKJV) 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

Our work can surely keep us busy.

There is so much to do in a day. I find myself some nights thinking about some of the things that I so wanted to get done but I wasn’t able to complete.

The things we don’t get completed during the day can take away our rest at night if we let them.

It can be difficult to meet our own expectations at times. Why do we put so much on our plate? Why so much demand?

I’m entering this year with a plan; a plan to not be so hard on myself, and give me some time to take it easy, to rest.

I want to spend less time being too busy.

I want to be sure to make time to take a walk on the beach, time to sit and read more, and to be able to just stop at times to praise God and thank Him for the little and big things.

I want this year to be a year of getting even closer to God than ever before, and not worry so much about things that are out of my control.

The days go by so quickly. And starting now, I will be spending my time working on gaining more of God and less of worldly problems.

This will be my focus.

My Rest will be in Him, by keeping my mind from racing and focusing my quiet time and my thoughts on Him.

What is on your plate today that can be removed so you too can take rest?

Do we need to balance out those portions, helping us rest and stay steady in the natural and in the spiritual.

Let us look at our portions and adjust them accordingly.


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 7-23-24

Genesis 2:3 (NKJV) 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

We need to know our limits and take a day of rest from all our work too!

Some will look at this and say, “well, there is only one me and who is going to do the rest of the work that needs to get done? If I don’t do it, it doesn’t get done, rest is not in the picture for me.”

No matter how much work needs to get done, or how many responsibilities we have on our plate, there is always time to take a break, even if it is for just a short time. We need to rest!

Sometimes the journey we are on, the season we are in, calls us into rest. Don’t neglect what our bodies are telling us to do.

When we take a rest, we are helping ourselves. We are more alert, more patient, more understanding and quicker at discerning situations.

It will help us in the long run and we will see that by resting or breaking when we need to, we will get much more done than we thought we would get done before we rested.

Tiredness will only go away when we get the proper rest. Take a day off and don’t feel guilty about it.

Remember, it’s important to rest from the things we do day to day.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible verse of The Day – 2-20-24

Exodus 20:11 (NKJV) 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.


It’s so very important to rest.

Sometimes, by the time we feel the need to rest and actually do it, it’s gone way beyond time, and now we desperately need it.

We speak from experience on this one, because neither one of us knows when to stop. But, we are learning the importance of it.

If we feel the need to rest our heads, we simply need to know it’s OK.

If we feel the need to rest our physical bodies, we need to know it’s OK.

If we feel the need to rest in our spiritual walk, we need to know it’s OK.

Taking time to rest is what will give us the strength we need to keep going down the path God has set before us.

When we rest we get renewed, refreshed, and rejuvenated, and that is what helps us to make right decisions.

Get some rest today.

It doesn’t necessarily mean we have to lay down and sleep.

Sometimes it’s just shutting down for a bit and doing something outside of our routine that doesn’t require a lot of planning, effort, or thought.

God desires us to rest!


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 9-16-23

Genesis 2:1-2 (NKJV) 1 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

The heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished on the 6th day! On the seventh day God rested. Wow!

It’s so inspiring to know that God Almighty rested.

Maybe some of us won’t feel so guilty about taking a rest knowing that God also rested.

How important it is that we stop what we are doing and pull away from our work. Our minds and physical bodies need rest.

We may be strong, but we still need that time off, for ourselves and for our loved ones. Shut that mind off. Make sure we take a rest.

As we learn to do this, we will see our lives change, feeling more peaceful and settled.

Resting allows our bodies to heal and stay strong. Our health literally improves from proper rest.

Rest also drives stress away, allowing our minds to be at ease and not always tied up in knots from too much thinking.

Let us follow the example of God, our Creator, taking the time to rest as He did.


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 5-6-23

Exodus 31:17 (NKJV) 17 It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.’ ”

Have you ever noticed that when we are rested, we are more tolerant, more understanding, more patient, more kind and more willing to be helpful to others?

But when we are tired, we are easily agitated, annoyed, aggravated, and more likely to be sensitive.

My daughter is funny at times, she will ask me, “Mom, are you tired today?”.

When she says that, I immediately know what she is trying to get across to me.

In a kind way, she’s letting me know I’m grouchy. LOL.

It’s a sincere attempt to let me know I need to take a nap and get refreshed.

Fatigue or tiredness can be a Christian’s enemy. It can quickly impede the flow of the Holy Spirit and the strength that He offers to us.

When we are tired, we will say or do things we wouldn’t normally say or do if we were well rested.

It’s important that we notice when we need to walk away, pull back, take a vacation or even just find a quiet place to lay our head and rest for a bit.

Believers are not exempt from resting. We need to be refreshed, just as our Lord took the time to stop Himself.


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 8-6-22

Hebrews 4:9-10 (NKJV) 9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.

Do we feel guilty sometimes when things are going well and life seems like it’s good for us?

Sometimes it might cause us to feel guilty, and we might almost feel like we may not be doing enough on our end.

As Christians, we have a tendency to feel like it’s not right when we are not working hard, or even if we take a rest because we’re exhausted from our work.

I’ve seen this in many churches over the years with people in leadership positions. They beat themselves up over it to the point where they lose the joy and purpose of what they’re doing.

So, this is just a little reminder that there will come days of reaping, and seasons of rest from our labors. That’s right; both, corporately as a church, and on a personal one-on-one level. Don’t fight it when your “season of rest” comes. It’s our time to receive!

We are all in different seasons on this journey together. Some are in the ground-plowing season. Some may be in planting season. Some are in watering season and, yes, some are in the reaping and resting season. Hallelujah!

Don’t feel guilty when it’s time to rest and don’t feel guilty when it’s time to reap from our labor.

The good Lord will remind us all that we reap from what we sow and the day will come when our reaping is here. Enjoy it and give thanks!

Galatians 6:7 (KJV) 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

God is GOOD!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 1-27-22

Mark 6:32 (NKJV) 32 So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves.

Rest and quiet time are needed more than we realize.

The past few months for us have been crazy. We have been out straight physically and mentally.

During all of this, we have tried to reply to those that have written to check on us. But we might have missed someone along the way.

If we did, please accept our sincerest apologies. And thank you for checking in on us. We sincerely appreciate it.

We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel, and we are finally getting some good rest.

Knowing that it’s OK to rest has helped us to not feel guilty if we have needed to take a break.

You all have been so good to us, with your encouraging words, prayers and financial support. We are truly grateful for how God has provided for us through it all.

We want to say thank you, and also remind you to rest and break free at times as well.

Make this year the beginning of taking a rest from time to time, instead of pushing ourselves to the point of breaking. We need to remind ourselves to take a break to heal and rest from our hard work.

Break, depart, and get to a deserted place. It’s OK. It’s necessary!

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-23-21

Hebrews 4:9-10 (NKJV) 9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.

During some seasons of ministering we will find ourselves getting very tired.

We may find that there are many more people who are often negative and depressed than those who are doing well and full of joy.

When we feel ourselves getting depressed or starting to be negative, and maybe even angry more often than usual, it’s a good sign for a well needed break.

It can be a heavy load to carry the troubles and concerns of other people.

We can’t constantly push ourselves to keep going if it’s time to rest. We need to stop trying to help others when we feel ourselves getting overburdened.

Too many believers are being beaten down and are giving up from the load they carry, thinking they are doing it all for God.

Well, God says there is a time for rest so we can get built back up.

We are talking to some of you today. You have poured yourself out and there is nothing left to give.

You are feeling depleted and weak as a kitten. You need to enter into some well-needed rest from it all.

Run to God. Find people in our path that we can laugh with and be encouraged by. He will bring the right ones around us.

It’s so very important to be able to pull back from time to time, to laugh and enjoy life.

We need to stay balanced in our ministering and know our limits. When we need a break, we can’t feel guilty about taking one.

Do it for ourselves so we may be refreshed, renewed and increased in our strength.

Isaiah 40:29 (NKJV) 29 He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 11-28-20

Exodus 33:14 (NKJV) 14 And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

The times are drawing near where we are beginning to see some things we had probably all hoped wouldn’t happen in our lifetime.

Corruption and perversion are on the rise more than ever. It’s blatant, and the worst part about it is that it’s openly allowed.

It’s not questioned by the authorities. It’s given permission by the very ones we thought would protect us from it.

We need to remember that no one can protect us but God.

We have to know this. We have to know that as believers our protection comes from Him and Him alone.

We need to be with Him, oh so closely, hearing His word to us. We can’t be listening to too much of the news and other stuff that is happening. It can cause us to be in deep distress.

The Lord spoke to me just last week. He said, I want you to rest. I said, “Lord I don’t feel like I am tired.” But God never goes back on His word or explains His answer to us. It’s up to us to stay focused and do what He says.

So, I took the day and tried so hard to rest. My mind was not having it. Everything on the news, everything on the Internet, and everything in the atmosphere was crazy. How does one shut down?

I then realized what my good and gracious Lord was telling me. Rest my head. Get away from all the talk, from all the problems, and just rest my mind.

When I finally got what it was He was telling me, I could actually feel the results of the fatigue that had built up. I was mentally exhausted.

What did I do to relax? I vacuumed my house! I did things that I didn’t have to think about. And I love vacuuming!!

For me it’s very rewarding, with no thinking involved.

So, if you are in deep stress today, maybe like me you don’t feel like you are, but God is saying, “bring it down a notch”.

Do something that doesn’t require you to have to think.

REST your mind.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 8-6-20

Genesis 2:2 (NKJV) 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

When God was done, He took rest. We’d better know the importance of this kind of rest!

Last week we decided to take a “God rest”. We did a “stay-cation”.

But, as each day came and went, we slowly began to fill it up with helping people out when needed.

We realized a “stay-cay” really wasn’t working for us.

In order to rest the way God wants us to, we’ve realized that we have to uproot ourselves and just get away from it all.

God knows, we have seen pastors who didn’t take the time to break away, and they got burned out.

We pray God gives us the wisdom to take proper rest when needed. His work is far too important to us. And at times, in order to do what He wants us to do, we must have a sufficient amount of quietness, with no plans.

It’s very important for all of us to take rest when we need it.

So today, if this is speaking to you, make it a priority to get proper rest, where you can shut down and not even think.

Everybody is different in what makes them pull back and really get rest. So, find what works for you and be content in it.

If God has told us that we need to rest, then we need to be sure to listen and do what he says.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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