(Deu 6:5 NKJV) “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
As a believer, I know how I feel about God and where I stand with Him. He is everything to me. He comes first.
I don’t just think about the things of God or being a Christian, I live it every single day. It’s in me. It’s who I am.
I’ve met many pastors and ministers over the years who love God the same way I do. But I’ve also met many who just go through the motions and do what they do because it’s their job.
The same goes for anyone else calling themselves a Christian. There are so many who truly love God and live out their Christianity in what they say and what they do. And there are still so many others who are Christians by name, but there is no evidence in their lives to prove it. They just go through the motions and carry on an appearance.
God wants our whole heart, not just a piece of it. He wants us to dive in head first and give Him 100%. He wants us to do Christianity, not just think it.
Where are you today? Are you doing your faith or are you just carrying a label? Does the name “Christian” mean something or is it just a sticker that has been applied to you at some point in your life?
Let me assure you that we are not perfect. Being a pastor doesn’t mean that we never make mistakes. Sometimes we have bad days and things don’t go the way we think they should or the way we want them to.
But when God is first in our lives it puts things into perspective for us. It makes our lives very different than the lives of those who just go through the motions or those who don’t know God at all.
I invite you today to love God with abandon… to put Him first and give Him 100%. It will change your life if you let it.
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
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