Psalm 33:16 (NKJV) 16 No king is saved by the multitude of an army; A mighty man is not delivered by great strength.
We can put our trust in many things, but they will not be what saves us from our troubles.
How many of us have put our trust in our jobs to bring us a life of comfort, a life of stability and material blessings?
How is that working for us? Are we getting the things that we long so badly for? Is it bringing us comfort? Will our current position at work even last?
We don’t know for sure. But, we still trust that it will. We have nothing to prove that it will last even until tomorrow. But we live like it will last forever.
This is the wrong way for us to be thinking. This kind of thinking is why men do not look to or lean on God as much as we ought to.
We are deceived in thinking we have it all wrapped up, all under control. We think we know what we are doing, but at any given moment things can change, and where are we left?
Some people will be mad at God when this happens. Some will keep trying on their own to get ahead. And some will just give up on life. And that is exactly what the devil wants. He deceives us in our thinking and then leaves us to drown in our own sorrow, worry and fear.
We want to share with you today the way God has called us all to think.
He doesn’t want us to put our trust in anyone or anything else but Him. If we give Him our lives, He will help us get the stability that we all long for; a life where we can enjoy each day. Even if trials come, we know that God has our back.
You see, life should not be as hard as we tend to make it.
Yes, we will have trials. But if our trust is in knowing that God will help us through everything, and we follow His steps, we will find ourselves rejoicing in the good things that He will open our eyes to see even at times when we can’t see past our problems.
Rejoicing? In hard times? Yes! With God, even through the hardest of times, we will find joy!
How do we get to this place of living this way? One step, one experience at a time.
Let’s start today by trusting Him with this day. Get up out of bed and look in the mirror. Speak to ourselves and say, “Today, we are going to listen to the Holy Spirit. When He speaks, we say, “yes”.
Then we do whatever it may be that he asks us to do, to the best of our ability. It could be just little promptings here and there throughout the day, to not do something that we normally do.
It could be someone who needs something and they ask us to help. It could be to take a different route to work, school or even to drop off the kids. It could simply be Him telling us to be still and quiet today, not say as much. Or maybe to take a rest.
He may or may not show us right away why He is asking us to do certain things. But that’s OK.
We need to trust that He has a good reason for why He says what He says to do.
He will teach us how to hear Him and to obey, even in the littlest things. Wait and trust Him for His way and promptings.
Psalm 33:20-21(NKJV) 20 Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. 21 For our heart shall rejoice in Him, Because we have trusted in His holy name.
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808
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