We hope you are being blessed by God and living in the victory that Jesus offers us
We have had some questions recently about our new app, so we wanted to take a few minutes to answer those questions and clarify a few things about it.
First, if you have downloaded our new app and are using it daily, thank you! We hope you are enjoying it.
Second, here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions we’ve gotten so far.
1 – Why does the app ask for permission to access my contacts on my phone?
Answer: Our new app has a sharing feature built into it. This feature allows users of the app to be able to share the app and its contents with other smartphone users, Facebook users and Twitter users. It’s a great way to let other people know about the app.
The app can be shared via text messages, email messages, Facebook posts and Twitter posts.
In order to be able to do this, it has to be able to access the contacts on your phone. It uses those contacts only when you want to share something from the app with someone else. And even then, it only accesses the person or people you wish to share the app with!
Here’s what it will not do: It will not download all of your contacts. It will not send all of your contacts to someone else. Not us, not Apple or Google and not the developer of the app. It will not secretly send messages to any of your contacts.
Again, it asks for permission to access your contacts only so you can share it with other people.
2 – Why does it ask for permission to notify me?
Answer: Our app works based on what’s called “Push Notifications”. This means that when we send a new message, the app will pop up a notification to alert you to the new message. Tapping on that notification will immediately open the new message within the app.
If you turn off push notifications or disable them, the “Devotions” section of our app will not function properly. It will basically disable that section. So if you wish to be able to read each day’s devotional message when it arrives, please be sure “Push Notifications” are enabled!
3 – Does the app cost anything to download?
Answer: No. Our app is 100% free. It costs nothing to download and it costs nothing to use. In fact, we don’t even have advertisements in our app. We want the focus of our app to be only your walk with God. So we opted not to place ads within the app.
Also, we have had a few iPhone users tell us that the Apple store asked for a password when the user attempted to install our app and then asked them to confirm that they wanted to “buy” the app.
This happens only if you have a password set on your Apple device for purchases from the Apple App store. If you do not require a password for app store downloads, you will not be prompted for a password, or to confirm that you wish to “buy” the app.
If you do have a password setup for app store downloads and it asks you to confirm your purchase, please just enter your password and confirm the purchase. You will be charged $0.00 for the app. As we mentioned, it is 100% free to everyone on both Android and Apple platforms.
We hope this will clear things up for anyone who has run into these scenarios and answer any questions you might have had.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reply to this email or contact us through our app.
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808
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