Luke 5:31 (NKJV) 31 Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.
God is the ultimate physician. He is a healer, a surgeon, and everything else we need when it comes to our bodies and our spirits.
I had surgery recently to remove a lump from my back. It was nothing life-threatening, and I am fine now
But there was a period of a few weeks immediately afterward that I experienced some discomfort that wasn’t very nice. In time, though, it all healed up and I am back to 100%.
The funny part is that the surgery itself was supposed to be very minor, taking only about 45 minutes. Because of this, and because I wanted to keep the cost down, I opted to stay awake and have them use only local anesthesia.
Well, 90 minutes into it, I was questioning my decision, as the surgeon dug deeper and deeper to remove the small tumor. When I began to feel her tools hitting my rib cage, I was seriously questioning my sanity!
Thankfully, though, it all went well and, as I said, I healed up very nicely.
That got me to thinking, though, about how God “does surgery” on us sometimes.
God is the ultimate surgeon. He operates with precision, removing the things that we have given Him permission to remove. And He does it with perfection, as He does with everything.
Just like medical surgery, it can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable. If what He is removing has been there a long time, or if we have become attached to it, it might be very uncomfortable.
We might even feel like there is a void, an empty space, where the thing was that He removed.
But He is faithful to help us heal up and be even better than we were before His “surgery”.
Oh, and that void that is left after the surgery? He will fill that empty space with Himself if we let Him.
And over time, as we follow His instructions, not only do we heal, but we learn that the end result is worth whatever pain and suffering we had to endure.
Will we have scars? Yes, probably. But just think of them as part of the cost of winning a battle.
So, if God shows us something in ourselves that He needs to remove, it’s OK. There is nothing to fear. We just need to trust Him with it.
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808
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