James 4:7 (NKJV) 7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
As I have gotten older, I have spent a fair amount of time pondering the things of God; the mysteries and the sometimes-obscure things.
I am not saying this to boast. I mention it only as a lead-in for this devotional, to give credence to what I am about to say.
There is much that I do not know.
But what I do know is that the God we serve is mighty. He is sovereign in all things. There is nothing too big for Him.
There is nothing He cannot conquer or overcome.
Now, you may think that this is referring to adversaries.
But that is not the case.
I am referring to the things in our lives that we wrestle with; we struggle for years to overcome.
Addictions, habits, shortcomings; sins that plague us.
But I firmly believe it does not have to be this way.
How can I say that?
Because God is mighty. He is bigger than anything we face or wrestle with. Period.
There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this. HE IS BIGGER.
And because He is bigger, He is the answer, the solution; the One who can break the chains that bind us.
So, why do we continually wrestle with the same sins repeatedly?
How do we finally find freedom from the things that seem bent on destroying us?
The answer lies in one word; submission.
He wants us to submit to Him; to fully surrender.
It is in our surrendering to Him and submitting ourselves fully to His will that we find our freedom and our peace.
Saying we surrender is not enough. Doing it is a necessity. And it is the only way.
It is only when we finally allow Him to have us completely that we find what we need to defeat the sin that has brought us to the edge of a cliff.
I know beyond any doubt whatsoever that God is able to do this. He proved it repeatedly throughout His word. There is no weakness in Him.
The weakness is ours. The struggle is ours; the battle between our flesh, which loves sin, and our spirit that cries out for deliverance.
The verse at the top of this devotional says it all; submit to Him. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
God has laid it out for us so that we may see the simplicity of His truth.
Let us not ignore what He has told us. But rather, let us run to Him and fully surrender, once and for all, that we might finally be set free.
John 8:36 (NKJV) 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443
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