Bible Verse of The Day – 9-6-24

1 Samuel 16:18 (LSB) 18 Then one of the young men answered and said, “Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one who is understanding in speech, and man of fine form; and Yahweh is with him.”

The life of David would be perfect for a case study of someone used by God for his qualities, and despite his faults.

He is an example of someone who loved God, working diligently to do what was right and honorable in His eyes.

The verse above listed David’s attributes; skillful musician, a man of valor, a warrior, sensible, physically attractive.

And finally, it was said that God’s presence was with him.

As I have recently been working my way through 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel again, I have been paying close attention specifically to David and the things he did.

He was truly a man after God’s heart. An honorable man who, despite being a warrior, also displayed God’s mercy and compassion toward Saul, who had tried to kill him numerous times.

On multiple occasions, David had opportunities to easily kill Saul. But he refused to do so, knowing that Saul was anointed by God as Israel’s king.

Seeing this really impacted me and got me thinking. It caused me to examine myself and ask if I would have been able to do the same had I been in David’s shoes at those moments.

And it caused me to ask God to continue to do a work in my heart and life, transforming me more each day as I surrender myself to Him, that I might be as David was; a man after God’s own heart.

May we all have a heart like David’s, wanting to please God and bring glory and honor to His name in all we do, even despite ourselves.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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