Bible Verse of The Day – 8-22-24

Matthew 22:37 (NKJV) 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’

When we become God’s child, we show Him our love by surrendering and obeying Him in a way that we have never known before.

Change comes to our heart through reading His word and making adjustments as the Holy Spirit leads us to do so. When our heart changes our mind will begin to think differently.

When we renew our mind, it changes from the fearful ways of the carnal mind to the vibrant, faith-induced thinking of the quickened spiritual mind.

If we don’t allow God to get ahold of our heart, and change its condition, our minds will remain the same. And we will continue to function and operate as when we were an” unsaved” person. Change must come to a believer!

As we follow God’s leading, there will be noticeable changes taking place within us. And some people may even begin to look at us differently. Some people may not like the changes they see in us.

We can’t let this discourage us. I like to think of these as “growing pains.”

It may be a little painful when people don’t agree with our decision to follow Christ, but we will surely grow in a good way if we don’t give up and we don’t let them pressure us into doing things their way.

As the changes take place in our heart and mind, our soul will do one of two things. It will want to follow or to run far away.

According to the dictionary: A soul is made up of the mind, will, and emotions of a person. The soul is the seat of feelings, desires, and affections. It’s the character or substance of a person.

We must make our soul obey! That’s right. It takes work, diligence, and a constant reminder of God’s word.

When the soul behaves as a child of God that loves Him with all his heart and mind, WOW! That is when God’s light will shine brightly through that believer, and he/she will make a statement!


Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries 
49 N Lamplighters Walk 
Hampstead, NC 28443


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