Bible Verse of The Day – 8-2-16

1 Samuel 17:45 (NKJV) 45 Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

As David stood before Goliath, he spoke these words and defied the one who dared to defy his nation’s army and his God.

David had nothing to offer Saul as he volunteered to fight the giant except his conviction to honor God.

He had no military training. He wasn’t large in stature. And he had no idea how to use conventional weapons.

Goliath had stood before the Israeli army for forty days, taunting them and daring them to come out and fight him. And for forty days, Israel had been afraid to do so.

But David knew that God was with him. He knew that God’s honor was worth defending, and he was willing to be the one to do it.

Today, maybe you’re in a similar situation. Maybe you feel convicted to defend God’s honor. But you’ve faced a giant who is belittling you and taunting you.

Maybe it’s a co-worker. Maybe it’s a relative. Maybe it’s an acquaintance. Maybe it’s a friend. Maybe it’s your spouse.

It doesn’t matter who it is. You’ve bit your tongue. You’ve held back your words. You feel like you’ve had enough and can’t stand idly by and listen to it any longer.

So maybe it’s time to speak up. Maybe it’s time to take a stand. Maybe it’s time to defend God and silence the enemy.

It can be hard to take a stand. Sometimes there is a lot at stake. But there are times when we just need to stand up and speak.

It doesn’t mean we have to be loud or overbearing with our words. It doesn’t mean we need to quote scripture. It doesn’t mean we have to argue or debate with people.

Maybe we only need to speak a few quiet words. But the fact that we stand and say something can speak volumes to the enemy.

There are times when we need to be silent. But then there are times when we need to speak up.

Listen for God’s voice. What’s He telling you to do?

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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