Jeremiah 23:24 (NKJV) 24 Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord.
No one can hide themselves from God. There is no such thing as a “secret place”. We may be doing things that are not pleasing to God and we might think “well, He can’t see me”. Just because He may be out of our mind at times, doesn’t mean we are out of His sight.
Be careful today with those things we do in that so-called secret place. God sees it. Repent and make things right with Him.
Some people right at this very moment might be wondering why God is not changing things for them in their situation. God doesn’t just change them for us. He shows us where we are going wrong, and what changes we need to make, and He leaves it up to us to do our part. Then, He carries out His part as we do ours.
Maybe the changes that need to be made are happening in our secret place, where we think we are all alone and no one can see us when we are there.
God is everywhere. It’s time to make some changes if we want our life to move forward into the things He has for us.
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808
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