Bible Verse of The Day – 6-3-24

Psalm 51:10 (NKJV) 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

The world has a way of trying to wear us down.

Each day presents new challenges that can easily affect our walk with God if we allow them to.

We feel peer pressure to conform. We are inundated with the perversions of the world. We are enticed with ideas that are contrary to God’s word and His ways.

The list of things we battle each day is endless.

The battles that we face individually will vary from one person to the next, all the while sharing a common thread with every believer; to derail our walk with God and destroy our faith in Him.

That is the single goal of the enemy of our souls.

How we handle this onslaught is a choice we make day by day, minute by minute. And the decisions we make will affect our future battles.

How we choose today will impact every day thereafter, sometimes creating a domino effect, for the good or for the bad.

Now, that may sound gloomy. It may make us feel like it is a battle that we can never win.

But we can win!

David cried out in the verse above, asking God to create in him a clean heart, and renew within him a steadfast spirit.

David understood what was required to live a life that was pleasing to God.

He knew that only God could change His heart and make his spirit steadfast (faithful, devoted, loyal, true, etc.).

So, he leaned completely on God to make him who he needed to be to carry out the tasks that God had set before him in a way that pleased God and brought glory and honor to Him.

There is much we can learn from David.

Humility is one of the biggest factors that made Him who He was. He knew he was frail as a human, so He cried out to God frequently, asking for His help.

Let us also do the same, keeping ourselves humble before God, allowing Him to lead us, guide us, and correct us when we need it.

In doing this, we will find satisfaction and peace that the world could never offer us.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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