Bible Verse of The Day – 10-25-23

Luke 10:17 (NKJV) 17 Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”

As the number of followers of Jesus multiplied, He spent time instructing a specific smaller group of them.

When He felt they were ready, He then sent them out on their own, in teams of two.

He wanted them to see and understand firsthand what it meant to be one of His disciples.

After a period of time, the length of which the Bible does not specify, they began to return home. And when they had all returned, they gathered and discussed what had happened.

The disciples were elated to share with Jesus, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name”!

As they shared this, Jesus spoke. And in verse 19 He said the following:

Luke 10:19 (NKJV) 19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

He wanted them to know that what they experienced was not abnormal. It was exactly what should have happened because of the authority found in His name.

And then He went on to tell them of the authority that was being given to them for their future ministry work as they preached, taught, and spoke in His name.

He wanted them to understand the importance of their work. But He also wanted them to know that He was empowering them to do that work.

And then He warned them about something.

Luke 10:20 (NKJV) 20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

You see, although Jesus understood their excitement and enthusiasm, He also wanted them to understand what was really at the heart of all this; their eternal destiny, their salvation.

And we should also understand this.

Many things cause excitement and enthusiasm. Many things can catch our attention. And none of this is inherently wrong. In fact, these things can be incredibly good.

But we need to make sure that the thing we pay the closest attention to, and the thing that excites us the most is our eternal salvation.

For nothing rises above this in the grand scheme of things.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
49 N Lamplighters Walk
Hampstead, NC 28443


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