Month: October 2018

Bible Verse of The Day – 10-9-18

Ezekiel 36:26 (NKJV) 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

The heart must remain tender for the love of God to grow in it.

The people around us all have different personality types. And doesn’t it seem like we often end up working around those that irritate us?

Many times it seems difficult to find the people that are easy for us to be around. Boy, wouldn’t things be so much nicer if we could?

But easy is not the way. It will keep us in one place, standing still. Challenge is what causes our hearts to become tender and to grow in the love of God.

The different types of personalities can be beneficial to us if we can just see things the way God does.

Working, or spending a lot of time with someone that is different than we are can teach us a lot of things. Being friends with someone that is opposite in personality type can be a very good thing.

Being married to someone that is so different can also be a wonderful thing, especially if we see the benefits in embracing such a thing.

Our journey here is not about reaching a certain point and just comfortably sitting there, surrounding ourselves only with those that are like us.

No. We need to be constantly learning, growing and embracing that which challenges us to become more than who we are.

We can choose to seek the easy way and always be around those with similar personalities to ours. But if we are always around the same, how will we ever change, grow or learn more than what we already know?

As nice as it may seem, it would get boring and dull.

God can take someone with a different way of doing things and a different personality, temperament, etc., and use it to strengthen us. He can use it to help us open up in those areas where we are so resistant toward anything different.

Imagine if Paul did not let change come to his heart. What if he stayed stiff-necked about what he was doing toward Christians, because he thought that what  he was doing was the right thing to do?

You can see how that part of his heart was closed and hard. But God taught him how to love people that weren’t like him; people that thought differently than him and did things differently. He was challenged.

Paul’s heart changed when he embraced that challenge, and love grew where there was once extreme hatred.

What part of our heart needs changing today? Let God bring in the difference that we need to soften that area in our heart.

A tender heart is beautiful. It’s a heart that God can work with.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-8-18

Matthew 19:26 (NKJV) 26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

It was April, 1970. I was 7 years old.

I woke up on a Sunday morning and noticed that I was having trouble breathing. Every time I took a breath, it wasn’t only hard to do, but it also sounded funny. It made strange squeaking, whistling noises.

It was something I had never experienced before. But it was something that I would live with for the next 30 years.

My parents took me to the doctor. It was asthma, we were told. It was incurable, we were told. And we left it at that. For 30 years.

But God had other plans. He knew the truth of it all.

With men, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

I carried the lie. I struggled with asthma attacks, tried so many different kinds of medication, went through so many medical tests. For 30 years.

My life was limited by what I carried. I couldn’t live my life to its fullest potential. My sports activities were limited. My social activities were limited. And eventually, my interactions with my wife and my children were limited by this lie.

But then one day God spoke directly to my spirit. He told me that I had bought a lie, and that this lie didn’t have to control me any longer.

And I believed Him. I believed what He told me. And He set me free from that lie. Forever.

God told me that I could be free from this prison cell called Asthma. He offered me the key, and I reached for it with everything in me! And He used that key to unlock the prison cell and set me free from it. After 30 years.

God healed my body, set me free, and delivered me from this spirit of infirmity. That was over 18 years ago, and I have never looked back.

The doctors told me it was impossible. But with God, all things are possible.

What is your prison today? Sickness? Emotional struggles? Poverty? Depression? Anger? Bitterness?

There could be an endless list. But God knows them all. Every single one. And He knows which one is holding you prisoner.

What’s more, He holds the key that can set you free from it.

It’s up to us to reach out, take that key, and then follow the steps that God places before us.

Those steps lead to freedom, in the name of Jesus.

It’s up to us. We can believe the lie, or we can believe Him who holds the key.

With men, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-7-18 – Wimps or Warriors

Please click to watch the video now.Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus! 

Are you a wimp or a warrior? That’s the question we ask in this week’s new video. 

Please click here to watch the video now. 

God wants us all to be strong warriors. He wants us to be strong in spirit, able to stand against the enemy and come out of our battles victorious. 

Please click here to watch the video now. 

Do we have what it takes to be strong warriors? Can we face our battles victoriously? Are we confident in God, that He will bring us through? Or are we weak and feeble? 

These are the things we talk about as we share how God wants to strengthen His body and teach us to be brave and bold each day. 

Please click here to watch the video now. 

Be strong. Be bold. Be courageous. 

Sincerely in Christ, 

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie 

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808 


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-6-18

Matthew 7:15 (NKJV) 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

It’s sad we have to watch out for this kind of behavior in the church, but Jesus warned us for a reason. He knew that the enemy would stop at nothing to try to deceive us.

The enemy uses counterfeit spirits and counterfeit moves of God to pull us off track.

What does counterfeit mean? To make in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud.

When the devil wants to deceive us, he will do exactly this. He is going to make his deceitful ways look as much as he can like the real deal. He’s sneaky. And he uses people, even so-called prophets.

It can be very hard to know what he is up to if we try to spot it on our own. But, with the help of the Holy Spirit, it’s a different story.

There have been wonderful ministers, and people in leadership positions that have fallen because of the counterfeit working its way in and taking over.

Pray for the body of Christ today, that we will see what the enemy is up to, through discernment of the Holy Spirit, before it hits us and our church. That together we may stand up in the name of Jesus Christ and deal with it accordingly!

We need to make sure we don’t give the counterfeit, or false prophets, a voice or a place to settle into.

Kick out the enemy, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-5-18

James 4:10 (NKJV) 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

Humble (verb): to lower yourself (or someone else) in dignity or importance

Being humble is a big part of surrendering. If we are to truly surrender ourselves to God, we can’t do so if we are proud or haughty. We can’t do so if we have a high opinion of ourselves.

God has to come first, and we have to put ourselves beneath Him. And in many cases, He will also ask us to put ourselves beneath others. We can’t serve someone that we think we are better than.

If we need a perfect example of humility, all we need to do is look at Jesus. He was humble in every aspect, even in surrendering His life willingly, knowing that He had the power to do otherwise.

Mark 10:45 (NKJV) 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Pride is the opposite of what God has called us to. Pride is shameful and will keep us from fulfilling the call of God on our lives. Pride will destroy us if we don’t get a handle on it and remove it from our lives.

Proverbs 16:18 (NKJV) 18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.

So, if we desire to be lifted up, we need to let God be the One to do the lifting. He has promised to do so if we will just humble ourselves.

And when God does something, He does it right the first time. Amen

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-4-18

Psalm 17:8 (NKJV) 8 Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings…

It doesn’t matter what man says about us. As long as we know who we are and that what we are doing is right with God, man’s opinion does not make, shape or form us.

If man doesn’t understand us or what we do, they will usually try to argue with us or put us down for it. They will even go so far as to spread negative rumors about us.

Even our best friends will walk away from us if we aren’t doing things the way they think we should. That’s too bad, but that’s one of the many disappointments of man. Man is not always right in their ways. And their behavior at times should prove to us why we should go to God, first and foremost, for instruction, correction and encouragement.

God is our foundation. What He has to say about us and how we should stand is the most important thing for us to pay attention to.

Sometimes God will allow things, circumstances, to happen so that we may learn a lesson from the choices we’ve made without Him. We say, “why doesn’t God save us from our mistakes and errors? Why doesn’t He stop us before we get ourselves into trouble or before we bring destruction upon ourselves? “.

Believe me, if we are His child and we ask for Help, He will help us as much as we let Him. If He tried and we don’t listen, then He will not force us. He gives us a free will to choose; to choose our way over His.

His way is best, of course. But if we don’t get it right, and we miss it, we can’t just give up. Go to Him, ask Him for forgiveness and let Him help put your feet on the path He has for you.

We love you dearly and want God’s very best for you today. We know that if you walk in His way, you will be safe and protected under His wings.

Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV) 3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-3-18

John 15:5 (NKJV) 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

We would like to say thank you to you all for helping us obey the call of God on our lives. We could not do our part if you didn’t do yours. We are a team.

The funny thing is that God built this team. It was not conceived of natural origins.

Most of you probably have no idea how or why you came in contact with My Bible Verse of The Day or Seven Seas Ministries. We hear it all the time when we ask, “how did you find us?” Most people say, “Boy, I really don’t know how I stumbled onto you”.

Maybe you were just poking around on the internet. Maybe you just typed in something and up we came. Maybe a friend shared it with you. Or perhaps you just spotted it somewhere and started to read.

Nevertheless, here you are. Every day you receive a live, spirit-filled word right to your inbox.

Isn’t God good?! He knows what we need and when we need it.

We are in awe of what God is doing. Every day we stand in agreement with Him, that His will be done in your life, your family, your job, your marriage, your finances, your health, your ministry and for His protection over you all.

Most of you we have never come face to face with, yet. This is more of a Spiritual, divine appointment. It’s a supernatural connection, and it’s beautiful.

That is how it happens here. We are excited that we are not alone, that you are our friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. You have chosen to stand with us.

You are there because God directed your steps and you obeyed. And together we are learning and growing.

There is nothing we can teach or share that the Father has not already walked us through. We are truly nothing without Him! Amen.

He is restoring, delivering, saving. He is moving, breathing and changing all of us, from the inside, out.

We truly appreciate you. You are God-sent to us and you are making a difference in this world as you keep pressing in to Him.

We love you.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-2-18

Romans 8:31 (NKJV) 31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

If you are feeling defeated today, you need to know that you are not alone. A lot of Christian people walk around with a smile on their face, talking the talk. But deep down they are feeling the same way, defeated and alone.

Sometimes the ones that we think have it all together are the ones who struggle the most.

Things aren’t always what they appear to be on the surface. We don’t know or understand what some people are facing. They too wrestle with thoughts and feelings of defeat.

We don’t even realize that the things we are going through, many times, are not our fault. We may not have done anything to cause them. Sometimes we are facing demons or principalities, spiritual attacks that have been sent out against us or others around us.

God will not let them win over us.

Colossians 2:15 (NKJV) 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

The important thing to remember is to keep your eyes on God and don’t let feelings of defeat take up residence in your heart. Oh, they will try to enter in, but we don’t have to let them stay there.

Look to God for your strategy or plan. And know that whatever it is that you’re battling, it shall pass and not do permanent damage or harm.

Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV) 17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.

Stand firm and hold on to God’s promises and what He says about you.

Romans 8:37 (NKJV) 37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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Bible Verse of The Day – 10-1-18

Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) 6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

So many times we hear this verse used to teach about faith and all of its virtues. And that is good.

But we have to be careful not to ignore the last part of this verse; He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

So many of us are seeking something from God. It’s probably pretty safe to say that most of us are. But are we doing what God asks of us?

No, this isn’t about works vs. faith. It’s about obedience, and about understanding that most times, God will ask us to take steps in order to bring something to fruition.

We have fallen into the habit of thinking that just because we ask God for something, or tell Him that we want something, that He is obligated to give it to us.

But if we are treating God like a magic piggy bank, we’ve got it all wrong.

God needs to come first in everything. We need to seek Him diligently, for the sole purpose of wanting to know Him more and growing our relationship with Him, not just to get rewarded.

If our motives are wrong, our seeking is largely in vain. As Jesus taught, we are to seek the kingdom of God first, before anything else. Then, and only then will the blessings and rewards come.

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie

Seven Seas Ministries
P.O. Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808


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