Here’s the latest update for our YouTube channel.
Our first video was well received and we thank everyone for the feedback
Click here to watch that video.
Unfortunately, though, we ran into difficulties with the channel and had to delete it and start from scratch. So, we have created a brand new channel!
If you had previously subscribed, please do so again, so you won’t miss any updates that we make.
And, we just uploaded our second brand new video for you!
Click here to watch the new video.
In our newest video, we tell a little story about something we saw happen many years ago. We think you’ll enjoy it and learn from it.
Click here to watch the new video.
And if you enjoy this new video, please be sure to comment and share it with others.
We have plenty more videos on the way too!
Oh, and we want to make sure everyone knows that the Bible Verse of The Day emails aren’t going away. We will still be doing them for everyone.
We’re just utilizing as many platforms as possible to get God’s word and His teachings out to everyone.
The videos are meant to be casual and informal, not structured or rehearsed. It’s a way of us sharing our heart with you, one-on-one, in whatever God places on our hearts at that moment.
So if you prefer the emails, don’t worry! They’ll still be in your inbox each morning. And we have other new stuff on the way in the near future.
Click here to watch the new video.
Be blessed in all you do.
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
PO Box 272
Bradford, RI 02808
If you know someone who will enjoy this or be encouraged by it, please feel free to share it with them!
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