(3 John 1:4 NKJV) I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Having Christ living in us is all the Truth we need. God’s Son is True!! He is real and He lives in us if we ask Him to come in.
The truth will convict us to do what is right in all situations; our part is to pay attention.
One day I was shopping at a retail store and I grabbed lots of things and put them in my shopping cart. By the time I was done and ready to head to the register I had more stuff in my cart than I could pay for. So, I quickly looked at it and thought for a quick moment about leaving some of it right where I was standing. After all, I thought, there were so many other items in that store misplaced.
But, because I have the Truth living in me, it didn’t feel right and I couldn’t do it. It didn’t matter whether others had done it or not…it was not OK for me to do it!
Being a child of God, we are going to get these feelings and promptings. We should pay close attention to them.
Now most likely nobody would have seen me do what I was pondering on doing. And yes, I might have gotten up to the register faster than going back and putting those items where they belong. But I would have had to live with myself afterward, knowing that God was not pleased with my actions. It just wasn’t worth it.
The truth will always lead us in doing the RIGHT thing!
Pastor Curt & Pastor Ellie
Seven Seas Ministries
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